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We make sure that people and the environment are doing well along the entire value chain of our Arabica coffees.
Absolutely unique & mild in taste with full coffee aroma.
CAFÉ COMAM reflects the enormous biodiversity and flavourful wilderness of its origin in the forested Colombian highlands. 

CAFÉ COMAM is coffee with a special added value.

100 % highland Arabica coffee
from ecological traditional shade cultivation
directly & fairly processed by small producers in the country of origin

CAFÉ COMAM is coffee directly from a COMunidad AMbientalista (engl. environmental community) in Colombia.
Coffee beans for CAFÉ COMAM grow in traditional, agro-ecological shade cultivation in the Serranía de los Paraguas nature reserve. It is one of the most biodiverse regions on earth, preserved through sustainable coffee cultivation.

Hand-picked and sun-dried Arabica coffee beans are sourced directly from our smallholder farmers at fair prices. Using a gentle drum roasting process in the country of origin, we extract the best natural flavours from the freshly harvested coffee beans for CAFÉ COMAM.

Café Comam is 100% from Colombia & 100% for Colombia.
We make sure that people and the environment are doing well along the entire supply chain of our Arabica coffee beans. When you buy a packet of Café Comam, you’re supporting these families too.


In the past, it would have been unthinkable for women to grow coffee. Today, Alexandra, Claudia, Piedad and Yaneth cultivate their own coffee plants in the shade of citrus trees and banana bushes in the middle of the jungle of Colombia.

It is a harmonious coffee, thoroughly chocolaty with a floral aroma and flavours of caramel, orange and the sweetness of coffee cherries.


Francisney is proud of his 45,000 coffee bushes that he has been cultivating with his family for 32 years. The dream of selling his coffee beans at a better, fair price has now come true.

It is a harmoniously round coffee with a chocolaty, fruity aroma and flavours of cocoa, mango and grapes.


What a wealth of life! 15 families produce climate-friendly speciality coffee across generations, thereby preserving not only the cultural and coffee landscape but also the enormous biodiversity. 

It is a harmoniously balanced coffee with flavour nuances of nut, cocoa and a hint of panela.

Our coffee farmers live on their fincas around El Cairo, Valle del Cauca. The colourful village is located in the westernmost Andes mountain range in the middle of the Serranía de los Paraguas nature reserve. The hilly green landscape of the Serranía de los Paraguas is rich in biodiversity and covered with native rainforest. Coffee beans for CAFÉ COMAM are still cultivated here ecologically in traditional shade cultivation at 1,400m – 1,700m.

„I am convinced that social, ecological and sustainable change is possible if we contribute to it,“ says the initiator of the NULLDIEBOHNE project, Natalie Weiß.

Coffee beans for CAFÉ COMAM are grown in traditional, ecological shade cultivation in the Serranía de los Paraguas nature reserve. It is one of the most biodiverse regions on earth, preserved through sustainable coffee cultivation. Hand-picked and sun-dried coffee beans are sourced directly from our smallholder farmers at fair prices. The best natural aromas are extracted from the freshly harvested 100% Arabica coffee beans for CAFÉ COMAM with a gentle drum roasting process in the country of origin. In the process, as much of the added value as possible remains locally, jobs are created and the local community is supported.

With the project NULLDIEBOHNE we create a partnership with the environmental organisation Serraniagua and small farmers in Colombia. We know exactly where our first-class Arabica coffee beans for CAFÉ COMAM come from and we know the people behind them.

Arabica coffee is of very high quality. The coffee plants require special growing conditions, which are found in the highlands of Colombia. In that region coffee bushes have the perfect climate and cooler temperatures that allow the coffee cherries to ripen slowly. This is how the best aromas develop. Because first and foremost, the quality of the coffee beans is decisive!

With gentle drum roasting in the country of origin, we extract the best natural flavours from our fresh 100% Arabica coffee beans for CAFÉ COMAM. We create more value for everyone along the coffee value chain.

The hilly green landscape in the Serranía de los Paraguas is rich in biodiversity and covered with native rainforest. Coffee is still cultivated here ecologically and traditionally in the shade in forest gardens.

This climate-friendly cultivation not only has a positive influence on the quality of the coffee beans, but also on the ecological footprint of coffee, because no rainforest is cleared.

We are really excited about the collaboration with Natalie from nulldiebohne. She is in close contact with all the people who produce coffee for Café Comam and we assure you that this coffee taste is incomparably good! It is so well tolerated, perhaps a little milder and simply harmonious to drink. You can tell that there is real passion behind the work here!
Wonderful coffee from a wonderful region of Colombia that I have already had the pleasure of visiting 🙂 where genuinely committed people work for the sustainable cultivation of their region. Absolutely recommendable!
Finest varieties, including coffee fine tip instructions. Natalie still throws a pinch of love into her deliveries, you can tell from the bean to the leaflet. Feels good not to have dead industrial products in your breakfast mug anymore.